Welcome to the Sasquatch Tavern and Grill where folklore meets reality in a blend of food and spirits that will make you believe.

Sasquatch Tavern and Grill
775 Highway 40 West
Verdi, NV. 89439
(775) 657-9207
The Sasquatch, or Bigfoot, legend has been around for centuries among indigenous populations around the globe. The name Sasquatch is derived from the Salish Indian word “sesqec” which has various definitions, but most notably ‘wild man of the woods.’ The multitude of legends and sightings are more numerous than weekend bikers on highway 40 and as with anything so prevalent, can you entirely discount the possibilities?
Ranging from 7-10 feet in height and weighing up to 1,000 pounds, this ape-like creature has been “discovered” in cultures throughout the world: The Himalayan Yeti, the Chinese Yeren, and the Australian Yowie are just a few examples. In North America there have been sightings all across the continental United States and Canada. In the Swamps of the American South, legends abound of the “Skunk Ape” or “Swamp Monster.” What all these creatures seem to have in common is a nocturnal lifestyle combined with a shy and reclusive nature which obviously makes discovery very difficult.

The skeptics (are you one of them?) maintain that it would be impossible for these creatures to remain isolated for so long in the numbers required to maintain population. However, there have been recent discoveries of, hitherto unknown, large primate populations in jungles throughout the world. In the vast forest of the Pacific Northwest and Canada can you unequivocally say there are not a small contingent of shy, semi-intelligent ape-like creatures that carved out a solitary niche for themselves with, maybe, a few wandering rogues?